王树元,男,理学博士。于2020年毕业于中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所/中科合成油技术股份有限公司。从事煤化工、石油化工、天然气化工方面的研究,在费托合成、油品加工(芳构化、异构化、催化裂化等)及分子筛(kl, zsm-5, zsm-22, beta等)合成方面具有一定的研究基础及工业开发经验。
1. 原子级精细调控直链烷烃重整pt负载型催化剂及反应机理研究,山东省自然科学基金面上项目,zr2021mb046,2022.01-2024.12,10万元,在研,主持;
2. 煤基高附加值芳烃化学品制备关键技术,济南市"新高校20条"项目,120万元,在研,主持;
3. 校(院)人才科研项目,分子筛限域纳米ptsn团簇的合成及在直链烷脱氢芳构中的应用,2023rcky167,2023.8-2024.7,22.1万元,在研,主持;
4. 构筑高效稳定pt基分子筛催化剂及其石脑油重整反应机理研究,山东省重点实验室开放课题,bg-kfx-03,2022.9-2023.8,10万元,在研,主持;
[1] 魏丽, 王树元, 闫梦霞, 朱地, 陶智超, 徐丹, 原子层沉积技术调控分子筛基催化剂研究进展, 燃料化学学报, 2023, 51: 1.
[2] 高亚, 徐丹, 王树元, 朱地, 原子层沉积构建高性能催化剂的研究进展, 化工进展, 2021, 40: 4242-4252.
[3] wang, s., gao, y., wei, l., yan, m., yi, f., wang, j., wang, l., liu, g., song, a., li, y., cai, f., zhu, d., xu, d., li, y., engineering spatial locations of pt in hierarchically porous kl zeolite by atomic layer deposition with enhanced n-heptane aromatization, fuel, 2023, 337: 126852.
[4] xu, d., wei, l., yan, m., yi, f., zhao, g., jia, a., zhu, d., wang, s.*, li, y., zinc-assisted nanometric pt cluster stabilized on kl zeolite via atomic layer deposition for the n-heptane aromatization, appl. catal. a, 2023, 663: 119308.
[5] yin, j., wang, s., xu, d., you, y., liu, x., peng, q., surface modification of fe5c2 by binding silica-based ligand: a theoretical explanation of enhanced c2 oxygenate selectivity, molecular catalysis, 2023, 547: 113333.
[6] zhou, z., wang, f., yan, t., wan, h., yao, r., zhang, k., liu, y., wang, s., xu, d., hou, h., he, p., li, y., cao, z., boosting the epoxidation of long-chain linear α-olefins via bimetallic coir composite, fuel, 2022, 326: 125050.
[7] yan, m., xu, d., wang, s.*, wu, b., yang, y., li, y., selective regulation of pt clusters inside ky zeolite using atomic layer deposition for n-octane reforming, fuel, 2022, 330: 125671.
[8] wang, s., gao, y., yi, f., yan, m., zhu, d., xu, d., li, y., regulation of sub-nanometric platinum on bakl zeolite for boosting n-heptane aromatization, fuel, 2022, 328: 125281.
[9] xu, d., yin, j.q., gao, y., zhu, d., wang, s.y.*, atomic-scale designing of zeolite based catalysts by atomic layer deposition, chemphyschem, 2021, 22: 1287-1301.
[10] yin, j.q., liu, x.c., liu, x.w., wang, h., wan, h.l., wang, s.y., zhang, w., zhou, x., teng, b.t., yang, y., li, y.w., cao, z., wen, x.d., theoretical exploration of intrinsic facet-dependent ch4 and c2 formation on fe5c2 particle, appl. catal. b, 2020, 278: 119308-119316.
[11] wang, s.y., xu, d., zhu, d., zhao, b.f., guan, h.b., qin, y., wu, b.s., yang, y., li, y.w., elucidating the restructuring-induced highly active bimetallic pt-co/kl catalyst for the aromatization of n-heptane, chem. commun., 2020, 56: 892-895.
[12] wang, s.y., xu, d., chen, y.l., zhou, s., zhu, d., wen, x.d., yang, y., li, y.w., hydrodeoxygenation of anisole to benzene over an fe2p catalyst by a direct deoxygenation pathway, catal. sci. technol., 2020, 10: 3015-3023.
[13] xu, d., wang, s.y., wu, b.s., zhang, b., qin, y., huo, c.f., huang, l.h., wen, x.d., yang, y., li, y.w., highly dispersed single-atom pt and pt clusters in the fe-modified kl zeolite with enhanced selectivity for n-heptane aromatization, acs appl. mater. interfaces, 2019, 11: 29858-29867.
[14] wang, s.y., xu, d., zhao, j.j., zheng, w.t., hu, c.x., wen, x.d., yang, y., li, y.w., investigation of the effects of phosphorus on the selective hydrodeoxygenation of anisole over an fe/sio2 catalyst, catal. sci. technol., 2019, 9: 5712-5724.
[15] xu, d., wang, s.y., wu, b.s., huo, c.f., qin, y., zhang, b., yin, j.q., huang, l.h., wen, x.d., yang, y., li, y.w., tailoring pt locations in kl zeolite by improved atomic layer deposition for excellent performance in n-heptane aromatization, j. catal., 2018, 365: 163-173.
[16] xu, d., wu, b.s., ren, p.j., wang, s.y., huo, c.f., zhang, b., guo, w.p., huang, l.h., wen, x.d., qin, y., yang, y., li, y.w., controllable deposition of pt nanoparticles into a kl zeolite by atomic layer deposition for highly efficient reforming of n-heptane to aromatics, catal. sci. technol., 2017, 7: 1342-1350.
1. 一种两段法原位制备金属磷化物材料的方法及其专用设备系统,zl201811183061.0
2. 一种kl分子筛负载单原子pt与ptxfe团簇结构催化剂的制备方法及应用,zl201811080537.8
3. 一种纳米级kl分子筛负载金属催化剂、制备方法和应用,zl202110559598.8;
4. 一种形貌可控kl分子筛的合成方法及应用,zl202111137770.7;
5. 一种调控分子筛孔径尺寸的方法,202120418312.x;
6. 一种zn调控pt/kl分子筛催化剂及其制备方法和应用,zl202210789686.1;
7. 铂基正构链烷烃芳化催化剂的制备方法与应用,202010564426.5;
8. 一种多级孔分子筛负载金属催化剂及其调控方法和应用,202110431917.7;
9. 一种用于测定膜分离氦效率的装置,zl202120418312.x;
10. 基于稳定碳同位素在线监测生物质掺烧比系统及分析方法,202010718905.8;
phone: 86-531-85599049 fax: 86-531-82961954
e-mail: sywang@qlu.edu.cn; syw.fe@outlook.com
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